» Free Software » How To Get Old Pocket Add-on for Firefox

How To Get Old Pocket Add-on for Firefox

If you are reading this post you may have noticed that new Mozilla Firefox versions have built-in Pocket support. According to Mozilla and Pocket it makes readers to save web pages and access saved list more easily. But do you find the new change more efficient than the previous one ? It takes extra few clicks to get to your saved web pages now ! So this is how to avoid the hassle and Get Old Pocket Add-on for Firefox.

If you haven’t heard about Pocket, it is a free service that allow users to save web pages and videos and access them on the go. Pocket have browser extensions as well as mobile apps. Users can save web pages from their browser and access them in a distraction-free view from their mobile device. Many people use Pocket as their bookmark service as it supports almost every platform.

Firefox users had nice Pocket add-on that enables them to save a webpage or a video by just hitting on a single button. And also access saved items within just two clicks. Using Pocket with Firefox as bookmark tool was easy and very efficient. Pocket is now built-in with Firefox. It is indeed a good move but they have decided to remove the extension from their add-on directory. Not only that, they are forcing Pocket extension users to uninstall the add-on.


Good news is old Pocket add-on for Firefox is still working fine. Users who haven’t uninstalled the add-on yet can use the service without any interruption. If you have uninstalled old Pocket add-on from your Firefox or you have a fresh install of Firefox here is How To Get Old Pocket Add-on for Firefox.

You can download and Get Old Pocket Add-on for Firefox using following link.

Download Pocket 3.0.6 for Firefox

Download the add-on and drag and drop it into the Firefox browser. Click Install Button.

How To Get Old Pocket Add-on for Firefox

Once you have successfully Get Old Pocket Add-on for Firefox installed, Restart the browser.


If you can not install the add-on try reading How to install unverified add-ons in Firefox. If there is anything please do not hesitate to comment bellow.

Lakshan Jayasinghe

Lakshan is a passionate blogger and a geek! He is graduated from the University of Colombo, School of Computing. He is currently working as a Software Engineer in Colombo, with a passion for technology, coding & every kind of gadgetry.


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